Wednesday, October 7, 2009

4. Kakapo (Night Parrot)


The kakapo is the worlds most rarest and strangest Parrot. It’s the only flightless and nocturnal parrot, as well as the heaviest in the world, weighing up to 3.5 kilograms (8 lbs). The kakapo has soft moss-green feathers barred with black on its back, pale yellow-green feathers underneath and, hidden away, an unusually soft layer of downy feathers. (Old specimens of pure yellow kakapo are existing in various museums around the globe.) The females are smaller and less brightly colored than the males. It has an owl-like face with 'whiskers', and a large ivory and pale blue beak. The kakapos' unique bill structure is adapted for grinding food finely. Kakapo have very sturdy legs and cannot fly but they still use their wings for balance while walking and running.

Close Relatives

Kakapo is only found in New Zealand and is not closely related to any Parrot family.


New Zealand


The Kakapo is is quite solitary. They live alone normaly and have large ranges, travelling several kilometers in one night. Males range from 15-30 hectares and females range from 35-50 hectares to find food for their young. When ranges overlaps they make a noise called 'skraarking' to keep a distance from each other.


Kakapos live of Roots, seeds, fruits, bulbs, buds, flowers, leaves, cones and pollen of many different plants. Their diet varies according to witch food plants are available. Kakapo and native Pigeons called Kereru are New Zealands only plant eating birds


Kakapo lives for more than 60 years.

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